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Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Surgeries

Tonsil and nasal flesh operation is one of the most common operations performed in children.Tonsil operation performed in adults is also not uncommon.Tonsil and nasal flesh operation,although less than the period before antibiotics were found,is still a valuable operation that restores the health of children and adults.

Recent studies have also shown that nasal meat surgery can be useful in children who constantly complain of otitis media and have fluid in the middle ear.

What is the Purpose of Tonsil and Nasal Flesh?

These structures are in a structure that resembles the structure of lymph tissue or glands found in our neck, groin and other parts of our body.These are parts of the tissue that surround the rest of the throat like a circle. 'Nasal' is the name given to the space located behind the nose. The nasal flesh is located in the upper part of the throat, behind the nose and soft palate; unlike the tonsils, they cannot be seen directly with the eye without special tools. Tonsils, on the other hand, are two pieces of tissue located behind the throat on both sides, which can vary in size.

Tonsils and nasal flesh are located at the beginning of the respiratory and digestive system. It is one of the first tissues to come into contact with the food, drink and inhaled air. They help the body's defenses. Like any tissue, they are useful structures as long as they see their functions and do not become harmful to a person.

These tasks take place in the first few years of life, and their importance decreases at a later age of the child. However, there is no documentation that tonsil and nasal flesh are important after the age of three. In a large scientific study conducted with laboratory tests and follow-up, there was no defense disorder against any disease in children who had tonsils and adenoid removed in their future lives.

Evaluation of Tonsil and Nasal Flesh

The basic methods used in the evaluation of tonsil and nasal flesh are as follows:

  • Medical history
  • Physical examination
  • Bacteriological culture
  • X-ray review
  • Blood tests
  • Other possible reviews

Small mirrors or endoscopes can be used to examine your nose and throat. During the physical examination, the lymph nodes in your neck will also be evaluated.

Bacteriological throat cultures are injured in certain situations. According to the condition and appearance of the throat, your doctor will decide whether to take the culture or not.

In rare cases where the nasal flesh cannot be seen directly, an X-ray examination may be useful.

What Diseases Affect the Tonsils and Nasal Flesh? The most common problems with tonsils and nasal flesh in children are recurrent inflammations (they cause sore throat)and their large size (they cause difficulty breathing and swallowing) Recurrent acute inflammations of the tonsils also occur in adults. An abscess may form around the tonsil, chronic tonsillitis and small pockets may form on the tonsil with a cheesy appearance, which leads to bad breath.A tumor can also occur in the tonsil, but it is rare.

When Should I Contact My Doctor?

Yourself or your child, and growth that leads to inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids when you see you should contact your doctor:Recurrent sore throat, fever, chills, bad breath, nasal congestion and postnasal drip, recurrent ear infections, mouth breathing, snoring and sleep disorders.

How are Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Diseases Treated?

Every adult or child can have a tonsil infection once or twice a year.By 'tonsil infection' we mean a microbial tonsil infection that will put a person to bed, fever and require taking antibiotics.

In some children and adults, it may be recommended to take tonsil and nasal meat. The two main reasons for tonsil and nasal flesh removal are recurrent inflammations despite antibiotic treatment(2)difficulty breathing due to enlarged tonsils and nasal flesh. Blockage of breathing leads to snoring and sleep disorders, which leads to excessive mobility in children and daytime sleepiness in adults.Some dentists believe that constant mouth breathing caused by large tonsils and nasal flesh causes impaired development of facial and jaw structures.

In adults ,a suspicion of a tumor or cancer can also be a reason for scarring of the tonsils and nasal flesh.

In some people, in conditions such as ’infectious mononucleosis’, an overgrown tonsil can block the airway. In these people, cortisone therapy may be beneficial.

Again, in the light of today's medical information,it has been decided that in the following cases, it harms the body instead of benefiting, and a tonsil operation should be performed.

Having frequent tonsillitis(at least 3 times a year in the last 3 years, at least 5 times a year in the last 2 years or at least 7 times a year in the last 1 year )
In case of tonsil abscess
In the event that the tonsils are large enough to cause a respiratory or nutritional problem
Being a carrier of certain germs or having a suspected tumor
In the event that the tonsil infection persists despite appropriate antibiotic therapy
Nasal meat operation is also performed in the following cases: :

In the early childhood or newborn period, nasal meat operation can be performed even at the age of two days in children who have nasal congestion to a degree that causes severe breathing difficulties.
In cases where it causes mouth breathing and snoring, leading to prolonged nasal congestion
In middle, ear inflammations that do not respond to treatment or that recur
In newborns, where the back of the nose is not open from birth,together with the operation in which this place is opened
Causing nasal congestion, in cases of recurrent catarrh and sinusitis
Along with some ear operations in children
Tonsil and nasal flesh operations are performed completely through the mouth. Operations can also be performed easily and safely in summer. The main thing is that the operation is performed when necessary.

The child and his family should openly discuss this operation and the child's curiosity and fear should be eliminated during the entire event.

Children should be aware that their throat will hurt after the operation.Also,one should be assured that during the operation,an important part of their body will not be removed and their external appearance will not change.If he has a friend who has had a tonsil operation,it is also useful for him to talk to him.

Aspirin and drugs with the same content should not be used, especially in tonsil and nasal meat operations, starting at least ten days before.If other medications are used,the physician should definitely be informed.The physician should definitely be told whether the child or the family has a problem with anesthesia in advance.The physician should be informed whether the patient's bleeding problem, pregnancy status is using cortisone or not.

Provided that it starts at least six hours before the operation,the patient should remain hungry and dehydrated, such as fasting.This prohibition also includes chewing gum,mouthwashes,toothpaste and water.If the prohibition is not followed,the operation may be postponed due to the possibility of vomiting of stomach contents during anesthesia.