What Should I Wear When Going to Surgery? Can I Have a Relative With Me?

What you need to know before entering the surgery will be explained in detail by the nurses. During the operation, a special outfit is worn in order to perform an easy intervention in case of need. Operating room rules and patient relatives are not taken to the operating room for sterilization.

Bunlar da İlginizi Çekebilir

Will there be a perforation in the septum after nose surgery?

A hole may form in the septum after some septum surgery operations. This complication (septal perforation), which is not uncommon, can be successfully corrected when the hole is small.

Devamını Oku
Do nasal polyps recur after surgery?

Nasal polyp is a mucous membrane disease and the underlying causes such as allergies should be well evaluated in its treatment.

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Can nosebleeds be stopped simply?

Simple bleeds that make up the majority of nosebleeds are bleeds from the anterior region.

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