The Process After Aesthetic Nose Surgery

Aesthetic nose surgery appears as a sensitive and important operation performed in order to provide holistic aesthetics and balance of the face. The holistic balance of the face is important from a visual point of view as well as from a health point of view. 

The main condition for performing rhinoplasty is that the person complains about the structure of the nose that he has. Have nose, congenital deformations of the structure, arched complaints can occur due to accident, trauma, tumors can occur due to conditions such as complaints about the structure of one's nose. Physical complaints that are present in the structure of the nose or arise later can also cause aesthetic complaints and make rhinoplasty surgeries necessary. 


Rhinoplasty operations are the most applied aesthetic interventions after non-surgical aesthetic interventions. 

How is Aesthetic Nose Surgery Performed?

Aesthetic nose surgeries are procedures performed with detailed evaluations of the specialist doctor in accordance with the expectations and complaints of the person. At this point, patient and doctor communication has a very important place. 

The nose is the main key point that forms the ratio balance of the facial region. In this regard, before aesthetic nose surgeries; the angle between the tip of the nose and the lip of the person, the width of the tip of the nose, the symmetry of the nasal Decollete Decollete, the size, placement, the angle between the forehead and the nose and whether there is deformation in the nose, the size should be carefully considered if there is deformation. 

We can list the procedures applied in aesthetic nose surgeries as follows;

  • Rhinoplasty operations can be performed by applying general anesthesia or local anesthesia. 
  • Nose aesthetics can be applied with closed or open technique. In closed nose aesthetics, the related incisions are performed through the nostrils. In open rhinoplasty applications, the necessary procedures are performed by observing the nasal Decubitus with a wider angle of view through the incision applied to the lower part between the nostrils. 
  • Aesthetic nose surgeries take about 2 hours. At the end of this process, a silicone tampon is placed in the nose, which has a canal in the middle and allows breathing. 

The process after sensitive rhinoplasty operations, which constitute the meaning integrity of the face, constitutes the important point that affects the healing process and the success of the performed procedure. 

What Are the Things to Be Done After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

After rhinoplasty, a process that requires care and maintenance begins. Although it differs according to people, there are sensitive points that need to be paid attention to in general during the process after aesthetic nose surgery. 

  • After the operation, there are two layers of plaster and one plaster splint on the nose. These elements are placed in order to protect the nose and give shape to the nose. Particular care should be taken not to touch, bump and spoil these dressing elements. These elements are taken by the attending physician after about a week.
  • With the removal of the dressings, the person can return to his daily life. 
  • Drinks can be consumed 4 hours after aesthetic nose surgery, and food consumption can be carried out at the end of 8 hours. 
  • Sleeping position is important after rhinoplasty. During the postoperative period, attention should be paid to the high position of the head, 2 pillows should be used and usually care should be taken to sleep on the back. It should definitely not be lying face down. 
  • After rhinoplasty, sufficient fluid consumption is very important. Due to the tampon placed in the nasal region after surgery, it is necessary to breathe through the mouth, attention should be paid to fluid consumption in order to prevent dry mouth during this process. 
  • It is normal for bruises and swelling to occur after aesthetic nose surgery. Bruises that form over time disappear, it may take about 15 days for the swelling to completely pass. 

What Are the Things That Should Not Be Done After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

  • Although there are no problems after taking the tampon, nasal breathing may decrease and the nose may be blocked due to the formation of a reactive edema for about 24 hours. This condition is a normal reaction developed by the body to the surgical operation and care should be taken not to blow up during this process, especially for 1 week. 
  • Attention should be paid only to the regular use of medications prescribed by a doctor, especially not to use drugs that inhibit blood clotting, such as aspirin. 
  • During the first 10 days after surgery, care should be taken to brush the teeth, care should be taken not to shrink the lips and not to lift the upper lip too much. 
  • After aesthetic nose surgeries, it should be avoided from pushing, bending, lifting heavy things for 2 weeks.
  • Exposure to sunlight should be avoided for 1 month after surgery. 
  • Sports activities that require heavy conditioning should be avoided for the first 1 month after surgery and sports such as jogging and fitness should not be performed. 
  • It should be noted that glasses should not be used after aesthetic nose surgery unless necessary. 
  • Before and after rhinoplasty, it is very important to stop smoking. Smoking has negative effects on the recovery process after nose surgery.

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