Sinusitis Surgery

What is Sinusitis?

Sinuses are air cavities that are anatomically present in our body from the moment we are born, initially the size of a pea, continuing to develop during childhood and young adulthood. The sinuses, which are covered with a structure identical to the membrane covering the inner surface of the nose, are connected to the nasal cavity by small openings.

The nasal system secretes about half a liter of mucus per day due to its function. The sinuses are also involved in the secretion of mucus as part of the nasal system. With the mucus fluid produced normally daily, elements such as particles, bacteria, dust particles acting on the nasal cover are cleaned. Then, the mucous fluid that cleans the nasal cover is filtered into the throat and swallowed. The cleaned bacteria and particles, on the other hand, are broken down by stomach acid. This condition is a normal developing function in the body. However, inflammation of the mucous fluid produced by the nasal system as a result of various factors is called sinusitis. 

The congestion that occurs in the nasal region interferes with the normal functional functioning of the sinuses and disrupts the emptying mechanism of the sinuses. Thus, the bacteria and viruses that have been trapped in the nose cannot be destroyed by being directed to the stomach through the throat, remaining in the sinuses, causing inflammation to occur in this area, that is, sinusitis. 


What are the Causes and Symptoms of Sinusitis?

The most common cause of sinusitis, that is, inflammation of the sinuses, are infections that occur in the upper respiratory tract. The cause of infections can be viruses or bacteria. Another factor that causes sinusitis is an allergy. 

We can list the symptoms of sinusitis as follows;

  • cough, nasal congestion, runny nose that persists for 1 or 2 weeks without decreasing
  • Swelling and pain around the eyes
  • Fire
  • Feeling of pressure
  • The occurrence of pain or tenderness in the cheek bones
  • Dry cough
  • Nausea
  • Showing continuity headaches
  • Prolonged cold, cold, flu state

How Is Sinusitis Treated?

How to Treat Sinusitis is a condition that has several stages and is usually treated with medication in the initial stages. Sinusitis is basically classified into three groups as acute, subacute and chronic sinusitis. 

The acute sinusitis stage is a sinusitis condition that lasts approximately 4 weeks and passes by itself or by applying medication. Antibiotics can be used if sinusitis is caused by bacteria, and antihistamine drugs can be used if it is caused by allergies. 

The subacute sinusitis stage is the stage in which acute sinusitis has not fully healed and chronic sinusitis has not yet appeared. At this stage, it is especially important to continue using medications so that the bacteria that cause infection can be completely removed from the body. 

The chronic sinusitis stage is a condition in which the symptoms of sinusitis continue to be observed for a period of more than 12 weeks despite medication and necessary treatment methods. During this process, medications and various treatment methods are applied, but if there is no positive response to treatment, sinusitis surgery is resorted to. 

Surgical Treatment of Sinusitis

Sinusitis surgery appears as a necessity if the body does not respond positively to medications and various treatment methods of sinusitis disease. 

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopes are instruments with optical lenses and light at the end, which provide a wide range of images and observation capabilities with the help of these light and lenses. Operations on the sinuses performed using an endoscope instrument are called Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.

With the endoscope, dark cavities that cannot be seen directly in the nose, normal anatomical structures and pathological tissues can be observed in detail, so that effective treatments can be performed. By using an endoscope, the elements that cause sinus obstruction or anatomical disorders can be intervened, thus enabling the sinus canals to be opened. 

In the endoscopic field of view, fine tools for shaving tissues called shavers, Holmium Yag laser tools for shrinking turbinates, or a navigation system can be used for advanced skull base interventions. 

In endoscopic sinus surgery, necessary and effective interventions can be performed completely through the nose without making any incision in the face or nose area. With endoscopic sinus surgery, surgical procedures can be performed only for diseased tissues without damaging healthy tissues, the risk of complications is reduced and the recovery time is shortened. 

Sinus Surgery with Balloon Synoplasty
Balloon synoplasty is an opening procedure applied to narrowed sinus canals with the help of a catheter, similar to balloon anyioplasty applied in vascular occlusions. 

After the balloon located at the tip of the catheter is placed in the sinus canal, the balloon is inflated and expansion is provided in the canal. Thus, the fluid accumulated in the sinuses is removed from the enlarged canal and the sinuses are emptied. 

Balloon synoplasty method in sinus surgery can be performed by applying local or general anesthesia, and the procedure can also be performed endoscopically. 

Balloon synoplasty method; It can be applied in chronic sinusitis affecting the sinuses on the forehead, cheeks and skull base. Bleeding occurs rarely after balloon synoplasty procedure, the patient can go home on the same day and continue his daily life the next day. 

You can click on the corresponding link for the Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis.
Related link:

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