Nutrition Before and After Surgery

The stomach should be completely empty during the operations to be performed by general anesthesia method. For this reason, patients are recommended to fast for a minimum of 7 hours. If there is a medicine that you need to use regularly, it will be taken with a small amount of water if the doctor consults and approves it. The first food to be taken after rhinoplasty surgery will be given to the patient approximately 3 hours later. The nutrients to be taken in the first food will be juicy and light foods. There is usually no special diet recommendation after the operation.

Bunlar da İlginizi Çekebilir

Is there any benefit of septum deviation surgery in patients with allergic rhinitis?

The presence of a septum deviation in patients with allergic rhinitis (catarrh) will cause an increase in complaints.

Devamını Oku
How is nose bone curvature surgery performed?

Surgery planning is performed before nasal bone curvature surgery. During this process, physical examination, evaluation of general health status and radiological imaging are used.

Devamını Oku
At what age can deviation surgery be performed?

The general opinion is to wait until the age of 18, when the facial bones have completed their development.

Devamını Oku