How long does sleep apnea treatment take?

The duration of sleep apnea treatment may differ depending on the method to be applied. Of course, the recovery process after treatment with the surgical method may take longer than with conservative methods. In addition to the treatment applied to the October sleep apnea problem, some changes in lifestyle may be required.

Bunlar da İlginizi Çekebilir

What Does Sleep Apnea Mean?

Sleep apnea is a Decription in which quite a lot of concepts are used together. Apnea is defined as stopping breathing for 10 seconds. In addition, hypopnea is defined as a decrease in airflow by 50%. Sleep apnea is briefly defined as the cessation o

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How is sleep apnea treated?

Treatment of sleep apnea; changes in lifestyle, drug treatments can be applied with methods such as the use of a CPAP device.

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How Is the Sleep Apnea Test Performed

The sleep apnea test is performed with the help of a device called polysomnography and specially developed for sleep testing. This test is applied during sleep and provides qualified data on the cessation of breathing and the stages of sleep.

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