Does my baby hear normally ?

The mistake that is usually made is the idea that hearing loss in infants cannot be understood until they reach a certain age, or if it is understood, treatment or a hearing aid can be used after a certain age. Hearing levels of even newborns can be measured with advanced methods. The necessary treatment should definitely be carried out before the age of 2, which is the age at which children start talking. The applications made after this period have less chance of success.

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What Are the Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Hearing Loss Due to Old Age?

Hearing disorders that occur at different ages due to old age are called **Presbyacusis **.

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What Are the Conditions to Suspect Hearing Loss in a Baby?

If the mother has had rubella, a viral infection and flu during pregnancy, consumed alcoholic beverages,, If the birth weight is less than 1600 grams, If he had jaundice at birth and blood exchange was performed, If the newborn has been in t

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Do body temperature meters that measure from the ear give incorrect results if there is earwax?

The result that these thermometers will give in the presence of earwax does not change. But the result may be affected if there is a middle ear infection and especially discharge.

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