At what age can deviation surgery be performed?

The general opinion is to wait until the age of 18, when the facial bones have completed their development. However, in advanced deviations in younger ones, it can also be performed at an early age by preserving the bone structure and using a special technique.

Bunlar da İlginizi Çekebilir

Will there be a perforation in the septum after nose surgery?

A hole may form in the septum after some septum surgery operations. This complication (septal perforation), which is not uncommon, can be successfully corrected when the hole is small.

Devamını Oku
How is nose bone curvature surgery performed?

Surgery planning is performed before nasal bone curvature surgery. During this process, physical examination, evaluation of general health status and radiological imaging are used.

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Is Aesthetic Nose Surgery Performed During Breastfeeding?

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